General information

Instructor: Johnny Ryan

Office hours: Mondays 14:00-16:00

Office: See Canvas

GE: Shiyu Zhang

Office hours: Mondays from 16:00-17:00 and Thursdays from 13:00-14:00

Office: See Canvas

Weekly schedule

Lectures: Tuesdays and Thursdays at 12:00-12:50 in 229 MCK

Labs: Wednesdays at 11:00-12:50 or Thursdays at 14:00-15:50 in 442 MCK


  • Assignments (60%): Submit assignments on Canvas. Lab assignments are due by the end of the week (i.e. Wednesday 11:59 pm). Late assignments will be penalized 5% per day late. Assignments will not be accepted after seven days past the submission deadline.


Please let the instructors know before the deadline if you anticipate a late submission - we may be able to provide an extension.

  • Practice activities (30%): Turn in assignments on Canvas. The deadline for practice activities will also be Wednesdays 11:59 pm). Late assignments will be penalized 5% per day late. Assignments will not be accepted after 7 days past the submission deadline.

  • Participation (10%): Half graded by GE and half by the Professor. Credit can be earned through attendance, participating in class activities/discussion, attending office hours, and helping other students.

Course website

  • All lecture slides, assignments, and guides are available on this website.

  • Dropbox: The ddata for the labs are available on Dropbox - see Canvas for link.

  • Canvas: Links to the lectures and assignments will also be available on Canvas.