Practice activity

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jupyter lab

Plotting tabular data

In this activity, we will use Pandas and Matplotlib to practice our plotting skills. The data can be downloaded here and here. The first dataset contains average monthly rainfall in inches. The second dataset contains the average loss of global glaciers from 1945 to the present from NOAA data.

Task 1 (5 points)

  • a) Read in avg-precip-months-seasons.csv

  • b) Produce a basic plot using plot()

  • c) Set an appropriate xlabel, ylabel, and title.

  • d) Use the linestyle parameter to modify the line style to something other than solid.

  • e) Change the color to something other than the default blue.

Task 2 (5 points)

  • a) Produce a bar plot using

  • b) Set an appropriate xlabel, ylabel, and title.

  • c) Use the edgecolor and color parameters to modify the colors of your plot to something other than blue.

Task 3 (5 points)

  • a) Above we produced two separate plots. Now make a single figure that contains two subplots stacked on top of each other. The first should be the line plot, the second should be the bar chart. For the figure do the following:

  • b) Add an overal title to your figure using plt.suptitle()

  • c) Reduce whitespace using layout='constrained'

Task 4 (5 points)

  • a) Read in glaciers.csv

  • b) Parse the dates from the .csv file and assign the date column as the index.

  • c) Plot your data making sure date is on the x-axis and Cumulative mass balance is on the y-axis.

  • d) Set an appropriate xlabel, ylabel, and title.

  • e) Change the x limits to range from 1940 to 2020 using the ax.set_xlim() argument.

Task 5 (0 points)

  • Add a title, your name, and date of this submission to your Jupyter Notebook using Markdown text.

  • Add some more Markdown text to separate each task of this assignment.


Save your notebook to your local course folder and submit assignment (in .pdf format) to Canvas by the deadline.


This activity is based on the Earth Data Analytics Online Certificate plotting chapter.