Assignment 8

If you have installed Python locally, launch JupyterLab by running:

conda activate sds


jupyter lab

Task 1 (5 points)

Download the data for the assignment here. This dataset contains the geographic boundaries for all countries in the world, along with attribute data about country population, gross domestic product, and economy. If you are interested, the data were downloaded from here.

Read the data using GeoPandas and answer the following questions:

  • a) How many rows and columnns are in this dataset?

  • b) How many numeric columns are in this dataset?

  • c) What is the name of the coordinate reference system? And what are the units?

Task 2 (5 points)

Drop any countries that have a GDP (GDP_MD) or population (POP_EST) of zero or -99 from this GeoDataFrame.

  • a) Print a list of the top 10 countries by GDP. Use the ADMIN column to report country name.

  • b) Print a list of the top 10 countries by population

Add a new columm called GDP_per_capita using the GDP in million dollars (GDP_MD) and population (POP_EST) columns.

  • c) What are the five countries with the lowest GDP per capita?

Task 3 (5 points)

Reproject and plot the data (using plot()) in the following coordinate reference systems. Projections can be found here:

  • a) Bonne (EPSG:54024)

  • b) Gall Stereographic (EPSG:54016)

  • c) Eckert VI (EPSG:54010)

Task 4 (5 points)

  • a) Make a new GeoDataFrame containing only the countries in Africa.

  • b) Reproject to WGS 1984 Albers for Africa (

  • c) Calculate the area of each country.

  • d) Make a choropleth map showing population density (i.e. population per km\(^2\)).

Task 5 (5 points)

  • List the countries that are within 1,000 miles of the centroid of Nepal.


Save your notebook to your local course folder and submit assignment (in .pdf format) to Canvas by the deadline.