Practice activity

If you have installed Python locally, launch JupyterLab by running:

conda activate sds


jupyter lab

Remote sensing in Python

Task 1 (10 points)

  • a) Download the Landsat data from here.

  • b) Read each band (i.e. src1 =[0])) and scale the values between 0 and 1 by dividing by the maximum value of a 16-bit integer (i.e. band1 = / 65536).

  • c) Compute all eight of the spectral indices on this website. For each index, make a plot (with a colorbar and a different colormap for each one) to show your answers.


Note that the images we are using are from Landsat 8.


Save your notebook to your local course folder and submit assignment (in .pdf format) to Canvas by the deadline.